By applying for or purchasing one of our programs, you agree to the following terms and conditions. By applying or purchasing you affirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms outlined below.

1. No Refunds Unless Otherwise Specified.

No refunds shall be given once your payment has been submitted unless otherwise specified in writing. When you accept a space in one of our programs, we hold that space for you and don't sell it to anyone else. For this reason, we cannot provide refunds under any circumstances, including your being unable to attend the course, changing your mind about the course, not liking the course or any other reason. By applying to this program, you accept these conditions, and you accept that your payment is final and cannot be refunded.

1.1 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

If your product or course has the 7-day money-back guarantee, we will refund you within 7 days of purchase provided that you have made a sincere effort to use the strategies that we have given you. This means that you have at a minimum created an account on Kajabi and looked at the content, and attempted to use the program. If you are still not convinced that this will help you, email us at [email protected] and we will refund you. No refunds will be provided more than 7 days after purchase under any circumstanes.

2. This is a self-directed program

By applying to or purchasing any of our programs, you understand that our programs are entirely self-directed. You will get out what you put in. Enrolling means that you are taking the responsibility for implementing the strategies we give you.

3. No guarantees

Past success does not guarantee future success. We make no warranty about the strategies we give you - results that other participants have achieved are not guaranteed and your results may vary. Marketing is not easy—you have to be willing to put in the work. What we can promise you is that the information we give you is built from our own experience - and has produced excellent results for others. Your results will depend on your specific business, niche, your implementation, strategy & your own hard work.

4. Refusal of Service

We reserve the right to remove anyone from our group programs at any time for any reason at our sole discretion. Your removal is not contingent on a refund. Our groups are sacred spaces and we will make sure they stay that way. Our group calls are recorded and shared with the group privately. It is against our policy for anyone to share group recordings with others for any reason. If you have questions about our recording policies or are uncomfortable with being recorded, please email us at [email protected].

We are so thankful to have you here. We have put our heart and soul into creating these programs for you and we look forward to having you!

-Krista & Clay

Co-Founders, Authentic Audience